Saturday, December 29, 2007

After Christmas drawing

Hey all,
Ha ha...well, to whoever reads this besides Vicky. ^_~ Don't worry love, I don't mind at all. ha ha.
Well, the holiday is over....Good Lord. Makes me thankful that my family celebrates Channukah. But, as hectic as it was, it was very enjoyable....I spent it with my friends' family, and it was really cool. Personally, I just can't wait until this god-awful season is over. This whole thing has not at all been enjoyable for me. Whatever. -_-;;
Anyways, I hope everyone else had a wonderful and safe holiday. Any cool hauls? Lemme know!

Also, here's some post-Christmas doodling. Weeee!

Deina...SMASH!! Muah ha ha ha! Good times.

Also, another plug for my deviant art account. Go see! I'm having so much fun with it. :3

Happy New Year, all!


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